Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Word Of The Week Wednesday’s! Week 3!

Welcome to my new series Word Of The Week Wednesday’s where we look at a word we’ve probably never heard of to level up our vocab game. I'm kicking off this series because, let's face it, knowing unique words makes our writing way more interesting. Whether you're looking to dazzle in your next meeting or just love discovering new words, today's pick is bound to catch your interest and spark some creativity. I’ll be posting a new word each Wednesday (hence the name lol) and I’d love to hear how you’ve used each word!

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Why Adidas' Euro 2024 Ad is a Masterclass in Brand Identity and Authentic Storytelling

With the Euro 2024 men's tournament captivating millions worldwide, the advertising landscape has been equally electrifying. Among the standout campaigns, one ad has particularly captured my attention: Adidas' emotional tribute to a new generation of players, set to the timeless tune of "Hey Jude" by The Beatles. This ad is not just a celebration of football but a masterclass in brand identity and authentic storytelling.

Here’s why it excels and what we can learn from it for successful content and copywriting in the charity sector.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

The Human Touch: Why Authentic Writing Matters in the Age of AI

Are you in the charity sector and concerned about the authenticity of your content? Struggling to build a loyal donor base? Relying on AI for your writing needs?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, keep reading to discover why the human touch in writing is more important than ever.

AI is revolutionizing many aspects of content creation, but when it comes to building trust with your audience, nothing can replace the genuine, human touch that a skilled writer brings.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Word Of The Week Wednesday’s!

Welcome to my new series Word Of The Week Wednesday’s where we look at a word we’ve probably never heard of to level up our vocab game. I'm kicking off this series because, let's face it, knowing unique words makes our writing way more interesting. Whether you're looking to dazzle in your next meeting or just love discovering new words, today's pick is bound to catch your interest and spark some creativity. I’ll be posting a new word each Wednesday (hence the name lol) and I’d love to hear how you’ve used each word!

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

UK Founders: Too Soft to Succeed? A Hard Look at the Missing 'Killer Instinct'

World-class entrepreneurs aren’t just lucky – they make their own luck. They show up, hustle, and seize every opportunity. It’s about being there, raising your hand, and taking those risks when others hesitate. Over time, those small actions add up to big wins. UK founders have that same drive and determination. It’s not about having a killer instinct; it’s about consistent effort, smart decisions, and a dash of daring.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

The One Weird Part of Writing I Don’t Enjoy (you’ll never guess what it is)!

Let me tell you about the one bit of writing I hate. Ten points to Gryffindor if you can guess what it is (you little Hermione Grainger)!

Ready to guess which quirky aspect of writing I struggle with the most? Drop your guesses in the comments below, and let's see if you're on the same wavelength as me!

As someone who thrives on routine, writing has always been both a source of solace and at times a formidable challenge. Routine is my lifeline and my guiding light. But there's one particular aspect of the writing process that always manages to throw me off: its unpredictability. You see, as much as I adore immersing myself in a new project, there are times when the words simply refuse to flow (see my post on how I overcame writer’s block for more on this). It’s sometimes downright frustrating.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Writer's Block and How I Overcame It: 5 Quick Strategies to Get You Back on Track

We've all been there: staring at a blank page, the cursor blinking menacingly, as ideas stubbornly refuse to flow. Writer's block is more than just a nuisance; it's symbolic of a wider issue that often signals a need for rest and relaxation. However, when deadlines loom and creativity seems to be playing hide and seek, immediate strategies are truly essential.

Here are five short-term strategies that have helped me overcome writer's block quickly, and they're so straightforward you can start using them today.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

The Death of the Office: Why Working from Home is Here to Stay

In the age of remote work, skepticism abounds regarding the legitimacy of working from home (WFH). However, the benefits extend far beyond convenience and flexibility. Delve deep into the data, and you'll discover that WFH isn't a scam—it's a revolution poised to reshape the future of work for the better.

In traditional office environments, the emphasis often falls on presenteeism, where hours spent at a desk are equated with productivity. However, this outdated mindset fails to account for the true markers of success: results and well-being.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Word Of The Week Wednesday’s!

Welcome to my new series Word Of The Week Wednesday’s where we look at a word we’ve probably never heard of to level up our vocab game. I'm kicking off this series because, let's face it, knowing unique words makes our writing way more interesting. Whether you're looking to dazzle in your next meeting or just love discovering new words, today's pick is bound to catch your interest and spark some creativity. I’ll be posting a new word each Wednesday (hence the name lol) and I’d love to hear how you’ve used each word!

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Top 10 Must-Read Books to Elevate Your Freelance Writing Game

As we find ourselves halfway through the year, it's time for a (very, very) mini guide of the books that have resonated with me in the first half of 2024. Hopefully, you might also enjoy them or they might at least offer some valuable insights and practical advice to help you elevate your freelance writing game!

"The Copywriter's Handbook" by Robert W. Bly: Up first, this timeless classic has been my trusty companion in navigating the world of copywriting. From crafting compelling sales pages to writing persuasive email campaigns, Bly's insights have helped me land high-profile clients and secure lucrative projects. His tips on effective headline writing, in particular, have been a game-changer for capturing readers' attention and driving conversions.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Editing vs. Proofreading: Know the Difference!

Editing and proofreading are like the dynamic duo of writing. Editing shapes your content into a coherent, compelling narrative, while proofreading cleans up any lingering errors. Skipping either step can leave your work feeling unfinished.

At DART Freelance Writing Services Limited, we offer comprehensive editing and proofreading services to ensure your writing is the best it can be. Whether you need a deep dive into your manuscript or a final polish, we’re here to help you shine.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

How Can I Support People With Autism?

Autism, as you may know, is a spectrum disorder, meaning it affects each person differently. What works for one individual may not work for another, so it's important to approach support with flexibility, empathy, and patience.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Thriving Beyond Bullying: How Women with Autism Can Transform Workplace Challenges into Freelance Success!

I’m on a mission to empower neurodiverse women to find freedom and fulfillment in freelance work. As a woman with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Level 1, also previously known as high-functioning autism (thank goodness we’ve moved on from labels like that right?), I’ve navigated unique challenges in traditional work environments. The pressure to conform to neurotypical norms often overshadowed my strengths, making it difficult to thrive. This experience, however, led me to a revelation: working for myself was not just a preference but a necessity. Today, I’m proud to run DART Freelance Writing Services Limited, and I want to share my top tips with you!

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Is Ghostwriting a Good Job?

I get asked all the time if ghostwriting is a good job and whilst ghostwriting isn’t everything I do, it’s pretty much my favourite thing in the world (except maybe peanut butter brownies, but it’s a very close one). From speaking to other writers I’ve deduced (eat your heart out Sherlock Holmes) that most writers either think ghostwriting is the ultimate gig or just another day in the writing trenches.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

How to Work with a Ghostwriter Effectively

Hey there, fellow collaborators! So, you've made the decision to enlist the help of a ghostwriter to bring your ideas to life—congratulations!!

But how exactly do you work with a ghostwriter effectively? Let's dive into some of my top recommendations for how to work with a ghostwriter really (and I mean really really) effectively!

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

The Top 3 Benefits of Hiring a Ghostwriter for Your UK SME!

From efficiency in communication to positioning your business as an authority in your industry, the advantages are clear.

So why not take the leap and unleash the power of words to propel your business to new heights? With a ghostwriter by your side, the possibilities are endless.

Ready to take your business to the next level with the help of a skilled ghostwriter? Let's chat! Reach out to us today to explore how I can craft compelling content tailored to your unique needs and goals. Don't let time constraints hold you back—seize the opportunity to stand out in the UK market and make your mark with words. Together, let's turn your vision into captivating prose that captivates and converts.

Contact DART now to book for free, 1:1 Zoom consult and let the magic begin!

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

What is ghostwriting & how does it work?

So, what exactly is ghostwriting? Simply put, it's the practice of writing on behalf of someone else who is then credited as the author. Think of it as being the literary wingman (or wingwoman in my case), crafting prose that seamlessly channels the voice and vision of another individual.

Now, you might be thinking, "But how does it work?" Ah, dear reader, that's where the magic truly begins.

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