Thriving Beyond Bullying: How Women with Autism Can Transform Workplace Challenges into Freelance Success!

How You Can Turn the Tide on Workplace Bullying!

I’m on a mission to empower neurodiverse women to find freedom and fulfillment in freelance work. As a woman with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Level 1, also previously known as high-functioning autism (thank goodness we’ve moved on from labels like that right?), I’ve navigated unique challenges in traditional work environments. The pressure to conform to neurotypical norms often overshadowed my strengths, making it difficult to thrive. This experience, however, led me to a revelation: working for myself was not just a preference but a necessity. Today, I’m proud to run DART Freelance Writing Services Limited, where I specialise in neurodiverse projects and advocate for work-from-home (WFH) setups that align with our unique needs.

The Hidden Struggle: Women with ASD and Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying is a pervasive issue, particularly for women with ASD. Statistics reveal that women are more likely to experience bullying at work than men, with nearly 75% of female employees reporting some form of workplace harassment. For those of us on the autism spectrum, these numbers are even more staggering. According to the National Autistic Society, only 16% of autistic adults are in full-time paid employment, with bullying and discrimination being significant barriers.

In my previous role at a traditional workplace, I faced constant microaggressions that chipped away at my confidence. My attention to detail, a strength in many contexts, was often misinterpreted as pedantry. Colleagues would mock my need for a quiet workspace, labeling me as antisocial. My direct communication style, a hallmark of my ASD, was criticized as being blunt or rude, despite my best efforts at ‘masking’. These experiences were not isolated incidents but part of a broader pattern of bullying that targeted my neurodiversity.

The Case for Freelance Work and WFH for Neurodiverse Individuals

The traditional office environment often exacerbates the challenges faced by those with ASD. Open-plan offices can be sensory minefields, with constant noise and visual distractions. Social interactions, from small talk to team meetings, can drain our energy and lead to burnout. The rigid schedules and unspoken social norms further alienate those who thrive on structure and clear communication.

Freelance work and WFH offer a sanctuary from these stressors. They provide the flexibility to create environments tailored to our needs, allowing us to work during our most productive hours without the pressure of conforming to neurotypical standards. For me, setting up DART Freelance Writing Services Limited was a transformative decision. I could finally leverage my strengths—meticulous attention to detail, deep focus, and a passion for written communication—without the constant battle against misunderstanding and prejudice.

Seeking Neurodiverse Clients and Projects

Running my own business has not only empowered me but also allowed me to seek out and support neurodiverse clients and projects. I understand firsthand the value of working with someone who respects and accommodates neurodiversity. My mission is to create an inclusive space where neurodiverse individuals can collaborate and succeed.

Advice for Victims of Workplace Bullying

If you are experiencing workplace bullying, remember that you are not alone and there are steps you can take:

  1. Document Everything: Keep a detailed record of all incidents of bullying, including dates, times, and descriptions.

  2. Seek Support: Reach out to trusted colleagues, a mentor, or a support group. Sharing your experiences can provide emotional relief and practical advice.

  3. Know Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with UK laws related to workplace bullying and discrimination. The Equality Act 2010 protects individuals from harassment and discrimination based on disability.

  4. Speak Up: If you feel safe doing so, report the bullying to your HR department or a higher authority within the organization.

  5. Consider Your Options: If the environment does not improve, explore alternative work arrangements such as freelance work or remote positions that might better suit your needs.

Turning Bullying into a Business

In my last job, the constant belittling of my sensory needs and my communication style eventually became unbearable. I was excluded from important meetings and social events, with the justification that my presence made others uncomfortable. The final straw was when my supervisor dismissed my request for a quieter workspace as "special treatment."

These experiences, though painful, pushed me to reevaluate my career path. I decided to take control of my professional life and established DART Freelance Writing Services Limited. The freedom to set my own rules, choose my projects, and create an environment that supports my neurodiversity has been incredibly rewarding. I now focus on projects that celebrate neurodiversity and work with clients who value and understand the unique perspectives we bring.

If you’re a neurodiverse individual struggling in a traditional work environment, consider the possibilities that freelance work and WFH offer. You deserve a workspace that respects and harnesses your strengths. For businesses and organizations, it’s time to recognize the immense value that neurodiverse individuals bring to the table.

Join me in this mission—whether you’re looking for a supportive freelance collaborator or seeking guidance on creating an inclusive workplace, I’m here to help.

If you’re ready to take control of your career and create a work environment that suits your unique needs, download a PDF of my FREE comprehensive ASD-Friendly WFH Business Guide now and get started on your journey to success!

Download the ASD-Friendly WFH Business Guide Here

Empower yourself with practical tips and step-by-step instructions to kickstart your own business from the comfort of your home.

Visit DART Freelance Writing Services Limited for more resources and support. Let's transform workplace challenges into opportunities for growth and fulfillment!


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