Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Can you end a sentence with a preposition?

Wondering if you can end a sentence with a preposition? This might be the post you’re looking for!

In this blog post, I'm shouting it from the rooftops: why shouldn’t we end a sentence with a preposition? Change is what makes the English language tick! But wait, there's more—I'm not just stopping there. I'm here to proudly proclaim that change isn't just a feature, it's the heartbeat of the English language!

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

My Personal Philosophy of Random Acts of Kindness: National Good Samaritan Day 2024

For me, kindness isn't just a nice gesture – it's a way of life. It's about looking for opportunities, big and small, to spread love, joy, and positivity wherever I go. Whether it's paying for a stranger's coffee, leaving a kind note for a coworker, or simply offering a smile to someone who looks like they could use it, I truly believe that every act of kindness has the power to brighten someone's day and make the world a little bit better. It’s a practice that has helped me overcome workplace stress and burn out and more recently, helped me navigate my anxiety in public spaces.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

7 Savvy Secrets to Start Proofreading Like a Pro

To write is human, to edit is divine," as the great Stephen King once said. But let's be real here—when you're staring down the barrel of editing a 700-page manuscript, 6,000,000,000,000 word (slight exaggeration there lol) uni essay or maybe just that late night, anxiety-inducing insta post, feeling "divine" might seem like a bit of a stretch.

Sooo… I can’t promise that any of these tips are going to make you feel “divine” (not even close) but never the less, why don’t we explore seven savvy secrets that will empower you to proofread like a pro, and who knows, maybe you’ll be the next Stephen King?

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

In Her Own Lane: My Reflections This International Women's Day

This International Women's Day isn't just about celebrating the achievements of women who've climbed corporate ladders or shattered glass ceilings; it's about honouring every woman who's dared to step out of line, carve her path, and defy expectations. It's about recognizing the value of diversity, inclusivity, and authenticity in all aspects of life.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Unleash Your SME's Secret Weapon: 10 Radical Ways Professional Ghostwriting Will Transform Your Business!

What if I told you that your secret weapon to success is hiding in plain sight?

That's right!

Are you ready to revolutionize your brand, captivate your audience, and conquer your industry?

Okay then! Let’s delve into the dynamic world of professional ghostwriting, with ten game-changing tips, tactics, techniques, suggestions, schemes, systems and strategies to catapult your business from mundane (no offense) to magnificent!

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

I Bet You Didn’t Know These 3 Key Tips for Writing to a Neurodivergent Audience

In the world of writing, there's a growing recognition of the importance of inclusivity. As someone who's walked the path of neurodiversity, particularly as a late-diagnosed woman who has faced adversity in traditional workplaces, I understand firsthand the challenges of writing for neurodivergent audiences. But fear not! I'm here to share three key tips that will revolutionize your approach to writing for neurodivergent individuals.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Celebrating World Book Day: Nurturing Children's Development Through Reading

World Book Day is a global celebration of the power of books and reading to enrich our lives and broaden our horizons. As we mark this special day, it's essential to reflect on the importance of reading in children's development, especially in today's digital age. According to the National Literacy Trust's report titled "Children and young people's reading in 2023," just 2 in 5 (43.4%) children and young people aged 8 to 18 said they enjoyed reading in their free time in 2023, the lowest level since the organization began tracking this data in 2005. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of World Book Day and how books play a crucial role in nurturing children's development.

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Charlotte Darter Charlotte Darter

Celebrate Mother's Day with Custom Creations by DART Freelance Writing Solutions Limited

And if you're looking to elevate your Mother's Day celebration with a special touch, why not treat Mom to a beautifully curated poem, blog post or social media tribute? I will work closely with you to create content that celebrates your Mum's unwavering love and support, while also showcasing your relationship in a heartfelt and authentic way. For Mother’s Day projects less than 1,000 words we are currently offering 50% off, just book a free consultation and we’ll take it from there!

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