In Her Own Lane: My Reflections This International Women's Day

Just before I quit my horrible, soul crushing, 9-5 (more like 25/8) office job and started working on DART full time, I had a quarterly review with a self admittedly ableist and misogynistic manager.  Under the 'negative feedback' column on my quarterly report he had written the words, 'in her own lane' i.e. not a team player...

That remark lingered with me long after I left that stifling corporate environment. That manager is sadly one of a veritable army of like minded drones that can be found holed up in any mental health destroying, beige, corporation anywhere across the country. These drones claim that neurodiversity is nothing more than a lefty label desired by the work-shy, snowflake generation. The remarks they make are emblematic of the subtle, insidious biases women with autism often face in the workplace. As a woman with autism, I've learned to embrace my own way of navigating the world and learned to love the “lane” I’m in, but society often struggles to comprehend or appreciate the women who don't fit neatly into predefined moulds.

Instead of letting that critique define me, I chose to see it as a catalyst for change. It wasn't just about escaping a toxic environment; it was about reclaiming my autonomy and embracing my uniqueness. Sat in that quarterly review, I realised that if I wanted to thrive, I needed to create my own path—one where my strengths were celebrated rather than stifled.

And so, I took the leap into entrepreneurship, founding DART Freelance Writing Services Limited. Starting DART full-time wasn't just a career move; it was an act of defiance against a system that had tried to pigeonhole me. It was a declaration that I refused to conform to someone else's narrow definition of success. Instead, I chose to forge my own lane, where my unique perspective could shine brightest. In the world of entrepreneurship, I've found a huge amount of solace in being "in my own lane." It's where I thrive, where my creativity knows no bounds. And while the journey has been challenging, it's also been incredibly rewarding. I've come to realise that being a team player doesn't necessarily mean conforming to someone else's vision; it means contributing my strengths and collaborating authentically.

This International Women's Day isn't just about celebrating the achievements of women who've climbed corporate ladders or shattered glass ceilings; it's about honouring every woman who's dared to step out of line, carve her path, and defy expectations. It's about recognizing the value of diversity, inclusivity, and authenticity in all aspects of life.

As I reflect on my journey this International Women's Day, I'm struck by the enduring power of resilience, self-belief, and authenticity. While I may still be charting my own path, I've come to realise that I'm not alone in this journey. I warmly invite you to join the conversation, comment and share your own stories of triumph over adversity, of empowerment, and of embracing your unique identity. Together, let's foster a community of support and encouragement, where we uplift one another as we challenge societal norms and redefine what it means to succeed. Through our collective efforts, we can inspire meaningful change and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable world for women from all walks of life. Happy International Women's Day!


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