UK Founders: Too Soft to Succeed? A Hard Look at the Missing 'Killer Instinct'

Buckle up because today I’m looking into the somewhat controversial claim that UK founders are just too darn soft compared to their US counterparts. This spicy take comes courtesy of Steve Blank, the so-called "founding father of modern entrepreneurship," (read more about Steve Blank here: Steve Blank, The ‘Father Of Modern Entrepreneurship’ Talks Startups ( and here: (1) UK founders lack 'killer instinct' | LinkedIn) who didn't hold back at London Tech Week. He says that UK founders lack the "killer instinct" (read more about that here: that's second nature to American entrepreneurs.

Now, I’m no American, and I haven't battled in the US market trenches, but I do have some thoughts on this.

I feel that Blank’s argument hinges on cultural differences, pointing to the US's "cowboy capitalism" and the lack of a social safety net, which he believes breeds a certain ruthless determination. Meanwhile, in the UK, the safety nets are cozy, maybe a bit too cozy, leading to a more reserved and conservative approach. I’m not sure that’s totally true TBH. Are UK founders really sipping Earl Grey while their US counterparts chug iced coffee and conquer the startup world?

Let’s start with comfort zones. Sure, the UK’s social safety nets are like a warm blanket – cozy, reassuring, and yes, sometimes a bit too comfy. But saying this comfort dampens ambition? Nah, I’m not buying it. In the US, it might be all about survival of the fittest in a brutal startup jungle, but let’s not romanticize the hustle. Just because we have a safety net doesn’t mean UK founders are any less driven. It means we can take smart, calculated risks without the fear of losing it all. That’s not being soft; that’s being savvy.

UK founders should absolutely think globally from day one, but not because our market is too tiny. The UK market is like a charming tea shop – rich in tradition and brimming with potential. Expanding internationally is about ambition and vision, not necessity. Think bigger, think broader, and don’t just dip your toes in the water – dive in headfirst! It’s not about running from a limited market; it’s about embracing the world stage with confidence and flair.

And speaking of flair, let’s talk diversity. Only 7% of founders are women. That’s not just a stat – it’s a battle cry! We need diverse thinking to drive innovation and success. The old boys' club isn’t cutting it anymore. More voices, more perspectives, more creativity – that’s the secret sauce to a truly vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem. Diversity isn’t just a box to tick; it’s the magic ingredient for groundbreaking ideas.

Blank threw in a Hollywood analogy that’s too juicy to ignore. Venture capital, he says, is like the film industry – tons of movies get made, but only a handful are hits. It’s a wild gamble, and the stakes are high. Investors, like movie producers, are always searching for that blockbuster. But here’s the kicker – UK founders are just as capable of producing those blockbuster startups as anyone else. It’s not about geography; it’s about grit, creativity, and a little bit of luck.

World-class entrepreneurs aren’t just lucky – they make their own luck. They show up, hustle, and seize every opportunity. It’s about being there, raising your hand, and taking those risks when others hesitate. Over time, those small actions add up to big wins. UK founders have that same drive and determination. It’s not about having a killer instinct; it’s about consistent effort, smart decisions, and a dash of daring.

Whether you’re in the UK or the US, the entrepreneurial journey is a rollercoaster filled with thrills, spills, and everything in between. Embrace the cultural nuances, harness your drive, and push those boundaries. Whether you’re sipping tea or chugging coffee, stay energized and passionate about your dreams. UK founders, keep your heads high, think globally, diversify your team, and let me hear you make some noise!

Ready to prove the naysayers wrong and show the world what UK founders are made of? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below, and let’s start a conversation that inspires change. Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog for more fiery takes and entrepreneurial insights!


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