Word Of The Week Wednesday’s!

Welcome to my new series Word Of The Week Wednesday’s where we look at a word we’ve probably never heard of to level up our vocab game. I'm kicking off this series because, let's face it, knowing unique words makes our writing way more interesting. Whether you're looking to dazzle in your next meeting or just love discovering new words, today's pick is bound to catch your interest and spark some creativity. I’ll be posting a new word each Wednesday (hence the name lol) and I’d love to hear how you’ve used each word!

Our Word Of The Week is:

Inchoate: (adj.) just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.

E.g. The inchoate project still needed a lot of work before it could be presented to the board.

Did you enjoy learning about today's word? Share your thoughts in the comments and let me know how you'll use this word in your conversations or writings.

Don't forget to check back next Wednesday for another word to add to your lexicon!


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