The One Weird Part of Writing I Don’t Enjoy (you’ll never guess what it is)!

Let me tell you about the one bit of writing I hate. Ten points to Gryffindor if you can guess what it is (you little Hermione Grainger)!

Ready to guess which quirky aspect of writing I struggle with the most? Drop your guesses in the comments below, and let's see if you're on the same wavelength as me!

As someone who thrives on routine, writing has always been both a source of solace and at times a formidable challenge. Routine is my lifeline and my guiding light. But there's one particular aspect of the writing process that always manages to throw me off: its unpredictability. You see, as much as I adore immersing myself in a new project, there are times when the words simply refuse to flow (see my post on how I overcame writer’s block for more on this). It’s sometimes downright frustrating.

And let's not even get started on trying to stick to a writing schedule. Sure, I make a valiant effort, but there are moments when inspiration decides to knock on my door at the most unexpected times—like when I'm knee-deep in a Netflix Bridgerton binge or just about to hop into the shower. Oh, the trials of being a writer! Very much first world problems I know.

But here's the thing—I've never quite learnt to embrace these quirks of the writing journey. Because let's face it—creativity doesn't punch a time clock. It's wild, untamed, and refuses to be confined by schedules or routines despite what my autism demands from it. This is what I hate the most, not planning meetings or plot holes or pen’s running out. Oh no! I hate the lack of solid scheduling.

You may not know this (unless like Edward you like to watch me sleep and for that you’d have to be a sparkly vampire #TeamBellaandJacob) some of my most profound moments of inspiration have come in the dead of night, when the world is quiet and my mind is free to wander. There's something magical about those solitary hours, where the only sound is the gentle hum of my computer and the soft tap-tap-tap of my cat on my keyboard.

How do I navigate the unpredictable nature of creativity while still maintaining a sense of routine and structure? Well, it's a work in progress, but I've found a few strategies that seem to help.

I've learned to be gentle with myself. As tempting as it may be to berate myself for not sticking to a strict schedule or meeting self-imposed deadlines, I've come to realise that creativity thrives in an environment of self-compassion. So, instead of beating myself up for not writing enough or not writing at the "right" times, I've learned to embrace the ebb and flow of inspiration. It’s still a work in progress but unlike the road works outside, at least I’m actually making some progress/

Secondly, I've learned to lean into the unpredictability of the writing process. Rather than viewing it as a hindrance, I now see it as an opportunity for growth and exploration. After all, some of the best ideas come when you least expect them, so why not embrace the chaos and see where it leads? Drink up those creative juices!

Lastly, I've learned to seek support and guidance from fellow writers and neurodiverse communities. By connecting with others who share similar experiences and struggles, I've gained invaluable insights and strategies for navigating the writing journey with autism.

So, to all my fellow writers grappling with the unpredictable nature of creativity, especially those on the autism spectrum like me, I say this: Embrace the uncertainty. Lean into the chaos if you can. And above all, trust in the process. Because you never know—those midnight musings might just lead to your next literary masterpiece!

Now, over to you! Did you guess right? How do you navigate the writing process with autism or a preference for routine?

Share your stories, struggles, and strategies in the comments below.

Let's commiserate and celebrate the unpredictable journey of writing together!


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